How to Introduce Yourself When You Have a Podcast and a Business

How to Introduce Yourself When You Have a Podcast and a Business

Every time I went to work on it further, a small voice inside of me whispered, "When there's so much horribleness going on in the world, why would anyone want to hear a season of a podcast about you, the book you wrote when you were 10, and how our stories play a huge role in our identity?" In other words, why would anyone care about my story?

How To Be Yourself On Zoom and Communicate With Impact

How To Be Yourself On Zoom and Communicate With Impact

Perhaps you're feeling increased self-doubt when it comes to how you look on camera, or how your tone of voice and body language are translating virtually. Maybe its obsessing over “appropriate” work from home fashion choices (Can I get away with "business" on top and sweatpants on the bottom?) Then are the introspective questions around personal vs. professional identity.

But the more you dwell on the “what if’s?” when it comes to video conferencing and communication, the less chance you’ll show up in a way that feels good, easy, and true to who you are.